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Mobile Trade Management

This MobileTradeMS is very use full to the SIM card, Coupons and EPRS Charges Distributors. This will keep all track of Stock Inventory, Sales through Distributor, Sales Executives and Shops separately. Target Achievements, Top outlet monitoring, CAF Tracking, Activations…etc., with Payroll and Accounts Management.

  • SIM Inventory
  • Coupon Inventory
  • EC Inventory
  • SIM Sales
  • Coupon Sales
  • EC Sales
  • SIM Activation
  • CAF Tracking
  • Top Outlets
  • Sales Receipt
  • Retailer Claims
  • Payments
  • Expenses
  • Payroll

  • Area wise Shop Details
  • Sales Report
  • SIM Stock Abstract Report
  • SIM Stock Detailed Report
  • Coupon Stock Report
  • EC Stock Report
  • Activation Report
  • CAF Tracked Report
  • Re-CAF Tracked Report
  • Pending CAF's Report
  • Top Out-lets
  • Retailer Claim
  • Accounts Transaction Report
  • Profit & Loss Statement
  • Ledger Report
  • Balance Sheet
  • Trial Balance
  • Outstanding Report
  • Secondary Sales Report